Solar News and Articles

Gurr Brothers Energy

Latest Solar Energy News and Articles

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics: The Future of Sustainable Architecture

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics: The Future of Sustainable Architecture

By integrating renewable energy generation directly into the fabric of buildings, BIPVs offer an elegant solution to the increasing demand for green energy.

How to Choose the Right Solar Panel System for Your Home

How to Choose the Right Solar Panel System for Your Home

With so many solar options and advancements in efficiency, choosing the right solar panel system for your home can be difficult. Check out this guide for help!

Pros and Cons of Rooftop Solar Vacuum Tubes

Pros and Cons of Rooftop Solar Vacuum Tubes

Solar vacuum tubes offer an efficient and durable solar solution. Though initial costs are higher, prices are dropping for commercial and residential use.

The Benefits of Solar Battery Storage

The Benefits of Solar Battery Storage

Solar battery storage is on the rise. Advancements in efficiency and manufacturing are driving costs down, making it a great investment for energy independence.

6 Solar FAQs in 2024: Addressing the Latest Consumer Queries

6 Solar FAQs in 2024: Addressing the Latest Consumer Queries

Solar’s rapid growth is undeniable, but people still have a lot of questions surrounding this booming renewable industry. Check out these top solar FAQS of 2024.

SIPS: Funding Risky Yet Transformative Solar Research Projects

SIPS: Funding Risky Yet Transformative Solar Research Projects

Small Innovative Solar Projects is a key force in solar funding that drives solar innovation and advances the industry through high-risk research funding.

Illuminating the Path: Solar Energy’s Crucial Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Illuminating the Path: Solar Energy’s Crucial Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Solar energy is playing a crucial role in helping the Sustainable Development Goals laid out by the UN. Check out five SDGs where solar is particularly impactful.

Harnessing the Sun Together: The Power of Community Solar Programs

Harnessing the Sun Together: The Power of Community Solar Programs

Community solar programs are democratizing renewable energy, making solar power more widely available for communities and individuals with limited access.

Investing in Solar Energy: A Guide to Sustainable Financial Growth

Investing in Solar Energy: A Guide to Sustainable Financial Growth

Solar is a dynamic industry that presents many valuable investment opportunities. Before investing, it’s important to educate yourself and weigh the pros and cons.

A Solar-Powered Super Bowl: How the NFL is Going Green

A Solar-Powered Super Bowl: How the NFL is Going Green

The Super Bowl is always an exciting event, but this year is a benchmark in the energy transition as the host stadium will be entirely powered by renewable energy.

Exploring Solar Shingles: The Future of Rooftop Solar

Exploring Solar Shingles: The Future of Rooftop Solar

As solar panel technology continues to advance, solar shingles emerge as an exciting roofing option to go green while maintaining your home’s aesthetic appeal.

The Winter Advantage: Unveiling the Benefits of Solar Panels in Cold Months

The Winter Advantage: Unveiling the Benefits of Solar Panels in Cold Months

Many homeowners question solar efficiency during winter. Let this guide put your mind at ease as we present why colder weather can actually improve energy production.

7 Solar Trends in 2024: Shaping the Future of Energy

7 Solar Trends in 2024: Shaping the Future of Energy

In the exciting and ever-evolving solar landscape, it can be hard to keep up with the exponential innovation. Let’s check out some anticipated trends coming in 2024.

Keeping Your Solar Panels Efficient During Winter Weather: What You Need to Know

Keeping Your Solar Panels Efficient During Winter Weather: What You Need to Know

Winter is near, and many homeowners are concerned about solar panels efficiency. Good news! Panels work well in cold weather, but they should be properly maintained.

The Biggest Solar Projects in 2024: A Glimpse into Substantial Sustainability

The Biggest Solar Projects in 2024: A Glimpse into Substantial Sustainability

2024 looks to be an exciting year for solar projects in the US and abroad. At this accelerated pace, the 2050 net zero carbon emissions goal may be achievable.

Advantages of Charging Your Electric Vehicle (EV) with Solar Panels

Advantages of Charging Your Electric Vehicle (EV) with Solar Panels

EVs are becoming increasingly popular and are important players in reducing carbon emissions globally. Charging your EV at home with solar panels boosts the benefits.

How Long Does it Take for Solar Panels to Pay for Themselves?

How Long Does it Take for Solar Panels to Pay for Themselves?

Many homeowners today want to go solar, they are unsure about how long it will take for the panels to pay for themselves. Check out this guide for more info!

Understanding Solar Panels and Fire Hazards: Causes, Prevention, and Safety Measures

Understanding Solar Panels and Fire Hazards: Causes, Prevention, and Safety Measures

While a fire related to rooftop solar panels is rare, it’s not an impossibility. You need to be prepared and understand the potential risks to avoid disaster.

Harnessing the Sun for Tiny Homes: Benefits + Considerations

Harnessing the Sun for Tiny Homes: Benefits + Considerations

Check out this step-by-step guide on the solar panel installation process, so you know what to expect when you decide to get solar panels for your home or business.

Exploring Fascinating Solar Panel Facts in 2023

Exploring Fascinating Solar Panel Facts in 2023

Solar panel technology continues to evolve with exciting developments that are reshaping how we harness sunlight to power our homes, businesses, and communities.

Green Synergy: The Benefits of Agrivoltaics on Farming and the Future of Solar

Green Synergy: The Benefits of Agrivoltaics on Farming and the Future of Solar

Agrivoltaics combines solar and agriculture in a symbiosis that uses land efficiently, improves farming, and increases energy production for a decarbonized future.

Beyond Black and Blue: The Spectrum of Solar Panel Colors and Their Functions

Beyond Black and Blue: The Spectrum of Solar Panel Colors and Their Functions

As interest in solar increases, it’s no surprise that a demand for panel colors beyond black and blue have emerged. Although efficiency is reduced, innovations in this area could help make solar more popular than ever.

Top 2023 Solar FAQs

Top 2023 Solar FAQs

As solar continues to grow in popularity, more and more questions arise about the evolving industry. It’s important to get the right answers to your questions. Check out these top 2023 solar FAQs.

5 Solar Battery Storage Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need To Know

5 Solar Battery Storage Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need To Know

As tech innovations and falling prices increase the popularity of solar battery storage, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding this energy solution. Let’s do some debunking to gain a more accurate perspective on solar battery storage.

A Comprehensive Overview of 2023 Solar Industry Facts and Statistics

A Comprehensive Overview of 2023 Solar Industry Facts and Statistics

2023 is set to be a big year for global solar industry expansion. Let’s take a more extensive look at the top solar facts and statistics influencing market trends and driving solar growth.

Solar Inverters: Single-Phase vs 3-Phase

Solar Inverters: Single-Phase vs 3-Phase

A solar inverter is a key piece of equipment in a solar system, but should you go with a single-phase or a 3-phase inverter? Let’s examine each inverter and determine the best option for you.

Black Solar Panels Versus Blue Solar Panels: What’s the Difference?

Black Solar Panels Versus Blue Solar Panels: What’s the Difference?

Most solar panels appear black or blue in color. What causes this, and are there any distinct advantages or disadvantages related to panel color? Let’s dive into black and blue solar panels and the pros and cons of each.

Will the Solar Industry See A 2023 Rebound?

Will the Solar Industry See A 2023 Rebound?

With the supply chain issues that affected solar growth in 2022 fading in the rearview, analysts and enthusiasts alike are optimistic about a 2023 solar rebound.

Top 4 Solar Myths and Misconceptions

Top 4 Solar Myths and Misconceptions

More people than ever are interested in going solar, but there is still a lot of misinformation that muddies the facts around solar panels. Take a look at these common myths and misconceptions to know the real deal when it comes to solar energy.

How Solar Energy Works: A Beginner’s Guide

How Solar Energy Works: A Beginner’s Guide

Discover how solar energy works in this beginner’s guide from Gurr Brothers Energy. Learn about solar panel systems, electricity generation, and the benefits of going solar.

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