Custom Solar Solutions

Gurr Brothers Energy
Services We Provide

Our Services Extend Far Beyond Just Solar Panel Installation

Solar Installations

Solar panels are amongst the most popular of services that Gurr Brothers Energy provides.

Battery Bank Services

Battery Banks allow your home to survive when you're the victim of a power outage.

Off-Grid Services

Going off-grid enables your property to be 100% energy independent at all times.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Our experts will professionally clean your panels with our surface-safe cleaning products.

Virtual Consultations

We have team members readily available to meet with you to discuss your solar options.

Solar Panel Repair

If your solar system is the victim of damage, our experts will arrive and repair the system.

Solar Panel Installations

We offer custom designed and solar electric systems for residential and commercial properties. With in-house design and engineering capabilities, Gurr Brothers Energy utilizes the most advanced professional tools available. Using the latest in solar technology we are able to seamlessly integrate our designs to assure the installation is not only technically sound, but also aesthetically pleasing.

Battery Bank Systems

A large majority of homeowners are choosing a solar system with a battery bank because they not only save money when the grid is up, they have power during outages for their critical needs such as refrigerators, lighting or internet modems. Battery storage gives you comfort and peace of mind, no matter the weather conditions you might experience. Contact us to discuss a solution fitting to your needs.

Off-Grid Systems

Bring the comfort of home anywhere by being completely energy independent, 100% of the time with your Off-Grid System. Never consider the possibility of a power outage again, as your property will not be affected by such an event any longer. With a variety of wattage systems, there is most certainly a system that will functional and financially fit your property’s solar needs. 

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We Beat Every Price Out There

We guarantee that we will meet or beat any solar quote that you have gotten for your property. Call us now!

Our Testimonials

What Our Happy Clients Say

Kevin A.

Going solar wasn't something I was super interested in at first. After my first meeting with the Gurr team, I felt like there was no other logical option that to switch. Beyond happy I finally did it, Bryce and his team get a 10/10 from me!

Alina E.

I am beyond happy that I made the switch over to solar and am even happier that I did it with the Gurr crew. They were extremely inviting throughout the entire process and were eager to answer any questions I had.

Andrew S.

The Gurr Energy team made my transition as painless as possible for me. Without a huge budget like many other homeowners, they were able to curate a solar package that met all of my needs, whilst staying within budget.

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