Frequently Asked Solar Questions

Gurr Brothers Energy
solar energy

Frequently Asked Questions

With installing solar on your property, you automatically begin protecting yourself from high, yet rising electricity rates monthly.

Recent studies have shown that solar actually boosts a property’s overall value. Though, it is much more beneficial to the home’s value if the solar is owned, rather than leased.

It is important for a roof to be in good standing prior to solar installation, meaning if your roof is 10 years old or older, you should have it checked by a roofing company to ensure it is in good standing.

By going solar, you reduce your overall carbon footprint, your greenhouse gas emissions, and helps slow climate change.

Amongst the panels that we offer to property owners, our panels last around 25-35 years, with little to no maintenance involved.

Gurr Brothers Energy is confident in our ability to provide everyone interested in solar with a reliable system that is still within budget. We also offer affordable leasing and monthly solar plans.

Solar panels typically come with three main types of warranties: power production warranties, installation warranties, and product warranties.

The Gurr Brothers Energy team carries a wide variety of solar systems that will enable you to completely live energy independent.

The typical solar system at a residence can save a homeowner close to 90% on their typical energy bill.

solar Process

See How We Work, From Start to Finish


Schedule Appointment

Scheduling with Gurr Brothers Energy is easy, you can schedule via phone, email, or online form.


Finalize Solar Solution

Together, we will establish which systems are appropriate based on your property and your average energy usage.


We Install System

Our installation experts will begin carefully installing your solar systems in a professional, yet efficient manner.


Your Reap the Benefits

After the installation of your system, you can immediately begin experiencing your solar perks.

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