5 Solar Battery Storage Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need To Know

As extreme seasonal weather becomes the norm, so does the desire to eliminate energy insecurity and sidestep dependence on unreliable power grids. Though solar storage technology has made recent and exponential strides, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding this emerging energy solution. 

Let’s do some debunking to help you gain a more accurate understanding of solar battery storage.

Solar Battery Storage is for Off-Grid Only

Contrary to popular belief, solar battery storage systems are not exclusively designed for off-grid living. While they do offer energy independence by storing excess solar energy for later use, they can also be integrated with grid-connected solar installations. These systems allow you to store surplus energy for use during non-productive hours or periods of peak demand. 

You can also benefit from a net metering billing mechanism by sending surplus energy back to the grid on credit. By optimizing energy consumption and reducing grid reliance, solar battery storage can maximize the energy efficiency and savings of grid-integrated and off-grid solar systems.

Solar battery on side of house

Solar Battery Storage is Inefficient

Another common myth is that solar battery storage results in significant energy losses. Well, thanks to innovations in solar battery technology, modern solar batteries have drastically improved and are more efficient than ever. 

On average, solar storage batteries can last anywhere between 5 and 25 years, depending on variables like maintenance, climate, and battery type. The Tesla Power Wall, for example, guarantees 80 percent efficiency after the 10-year warranty expiration. 

Solar Battery Storage is Unreliable

Some solar skeptics will say that battery storage is unreliable and cannot guarantee consistent power. To the contrary, modern solar battery storage systems are designed with advanced monitoring capabilities and safety features. Many systems are equipped with software that can predict patterns in energy use, optimizing charging and discharging cycles for maximum reliability.

Solar Battery Storage Isn't Durable

While it is better for the overall lifespan of a solar storage system to be housed in a temperate environment — shielded from the elements — most are engineered to withstand some pretty harsh conditions. With proper maintenance and moderate temperatures, your solar battery storage system should remain highly functional for decades to come.

Solar battery on side of house

Now You Know!

The peace of mind that comes from being prepared and having guaranteed power in any severe weather scenario or power outage situation is invaluable. Don’t let the inaccurate info of naysayers dissuade you from solar battery storage. Contact Gurr Brothers Energy today and consider solar battery storage for your solar panel system!  

Author: Hunter S.

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