Solar Panels and Cloudy Weather

One of the key concerns surrounding solar panel systems is weather. Do they work well, if at all, on cloudy days? Potential panel purchasers wonder how overcast conditions will affect their overall investment while new panel owners worry about energy production during days without direct sunlight. 

Well, all uneasiness can be allayed as, yes, of course solar panels are still productive in less-than-ideal weather conditions. Let’s examine exactly how solar panels are affected by cloudy weather.

Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy Days?

The short answer is yes, panels are still productive on cloudy days. Their level of efficiency, however, will be determined by the quality of the solar panels and cloud density. Considering all variables, panels will operate at around 10 to 25 percent of their normal capacity. If any amount of sunlight is getting through, then solar panels will still generate energy.

Solar panels on house rooftop

Do Solar Panels Work on Rainy Days?

Again, solar panels can work on rainy days, but the level of cloud coverage is a factor. Dense rain clouds will significantly restrict sunlight, resulting in little to no energy production, however, a benefit of rainfall is that it cleans your panels of dust and debris, making them more productive when the clouds clear.

What Kind of Solar Panels are Best for Cloudy Weather?

Solar panels that utilize monocrystalline silicon cells yield the highest level of efficiency. They are also long-lasting and require less space than other types of solar panels. 

Other exciting solar innovations on the horizon — like Axial Graded Index Lenses (AGILE) and ultralight fabric solar cells — promise to increase solar panel efficiency and productivity.

Solar panel in perspective

Don’t Forget About Net Metering and Energy Storage

Whether you are considering going solar, or are a new system owner with concerns about energy production during cloudy conditions, remember that there are surplus mechanisms in place to ensure that you are energy secure through periods of low productivity. 

During sunny days, your panels will likely produce excess energy. If your panel system is connected to a grid — as most residential solar panel systems are — you can benefit from net metering, which credits surplus energy to the power grid for later use when your panels are less productive. This comes in handy during periods of bad weather, or if your panels require repair. 

Another option to offset cloudy weather is battery storage. Solar battery technology is improving exponentially, and many solar users prefer to go completely off grid. Lithium-ion batteries are the most common batteries for residential systems. Rather than sending surplus energy back to the grid, it can be stored for use when your panels are not producing energy.

Solar panels on house

The Silver Lining

Don’t let clouds cast doubt on your decision to go solar. While gray skies can prevent solar panels from producing at full capacity, the good news is they still generate energy from any penetrating sunlight and will typically create a surplus during days of direct sunlight that can offset occasional gloomy weather. Get your head out of the clouds and contact Gurr Brothers Energy today to learn more about going solar!

Author: Hunter S.

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